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One of the modern security systems in the blockchain world is a honey pot or honey trap used to catch hackers. By using this technique, blockchain attackers will be fooled into the trap set for them and ultimately fail. Basically, a honeypot is a way to attract cyber attacks and identify fraudsters, which we will explain fully in this article.


See a way to arrest hackers


One definition of a honeypot comes from the world of espionage. Where spies like Mata Hari who use a fake relationship to steal secrets are described as creating a honeypot. Often, an enemy spy is caught in a honey trap and then forced to hand over everything they know.

In the world of digital currencies, honeypots work in a similar way, creating a trap for hackers. This method is considered a computer system that aims to attract cyber attacks in the digital currency in the blockchain world, as a bait. In fact, hackers are mimicked and their infiltration attempts are used to gain intelligence against cybercriminals and how they operate, or to divert them from other targets and cryptocurrencies.


How Honeypot works


A honeypot is a security mechanism that creates a virtual trap to trick attackers into stealing Ramblers. This intentionally compromised computer system allows blockchain attackers to exploit vulnerabilities. This mechanism allows developers to receive information about the need to improve their security policies. You can apply honeypots to any computing resource, from software and networks to file servers and routers. This technology allows you to understand the behavior patterns of attackers and prevent them from attacking your wallet and abusing your information. With the gradual increase in the popularity of smart contracts and its use by investors and activists in the world of digital currencies, the possibility of attacks by malicious agents also increases.

Security teams can use honey traps to investigate cyber security breaches and gather information about how cyber criminals operate around the cryptocurrencies they hold. They also reduce the risk of false positives compared to traditional cybersecurity measures. Honeypots vary in design and deployment models, but all are decoys that act as legitimate and vulnerable systems to lure cybercriminals into the blockchain.


Honeypot systems often use hardened operating systems (OS) where additional security measures are taken to reduce exposure to threats. They are usually configured to provide exploitable vulnerabilities for blockchain attackers. For example, a Honeypot system can appear to respond to Server Message Block (SMB) protocol requests used by the WannaCry ransomware attack and pretend to be a corporate database server storing consumer information.


Operation Honeypot in the Ethereum Virtual Machine


It is true that there are rules and trustworthiness standards in different parts of the blockchain, but there are also ways to catch hackers and encourage them to misuse EVMs. People who define smart contracts may leave their code undefined so that an attacker can misunderstand it and eventually figure it out. This issue also affects the Solidity compiler. People invest in these contracts and sometimes it can be difficult to find bait in this area. In some cases, blockchain investigation is likely to contain incomplete data.


Honey pot maintenance cost


The cost of keeping bees can be high. The reason for the cost is partly due to the special skills required to implement and manage the system on the blockchain. In order to prevent the spread of the organization’s resources, measures must be taken to prevent attacks from entering the production system.


How does a honeypot trap pirates?


In general, a honeypot operation consists of computers, programs and data that simulate the behavior of a real system. Usually, this system is attractive to attackers and it is recommended to get cryptocurrencies or other data through fraud. These can be financial systems, blockchains, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, utilities or transportation networks. The platform appears to be part of the network but is actually isolated from the system and closely monitored. Since there is no reason for an authorized user to access the honeypot, any attempt to communicate with them is considered strange and malicious.

In blockchain, the honeypot takes the form of a smart contract and allows the user to withdraw some tokens from the contract. These types of honey pots often seem to have a design problem, and the person who uses them often uses their mistakes. However, note that when people try to withdraw more cryptocurrency from the contract, it will be blocked. As attackers look for more vulnerable contracts on the blockchain, this trap could prevent them from exploiting and owning more cryptocurrencies.

Monitoring and intercepting honeypot activity can provide insight into the extent and types of threats facing blockchain network infrastructure and divert attackers away from real valuable assets. It is interesting to know that cybercriminals can hijack honeypots and use them against the organization that hosts them. Criminals in the cryptocurrency world are also known to use honeypots to collect information about researchers or organizations, commit fraud, and spread false information.


In Ethereum smart contracts, the attacker only needs to have superficial information and fix the contract. Eventually, his attempt to mine the desired cryptocurrency will backfire, and the honeypot bait on the blockchain will succeed. Note that it is possible to check the transaction history of cryptocurrencies to detect a cryptocurrency attack. Also, if there is a problem with the sale of the coin, it can be said that the coin is not legitimate and has been attacked.

It is good to know that there are open and commercial sites for shipping and handling honey pots. Products built with autonomous machines and other security software are known as decoy technology. GitHub has a list of Honeypot apps that will help beginners learn how to use it.


What is a honey pot used for?


Honeypots are used to extract information from unauthorized intruders. Security teams implement these traps as part of their network protection strategy. Honeypots are also used to study the behavior of cyber attackers and the way they interact with networks.

Spam traps are like honeypots. They use email addresses or other network features to drive online traffic and trap people. Spam traps are used in the Honeypot project, which is an online network of honeypots embedded in website software. Its purpose is to collect Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, email addresses, and information about spammers so that webmasters can reduce the amount of spam they send to their websites. The group’s findings are used by law enforcement and law enforcement agencies to combat blockchain and cryptocurrency violations.

Cells are not always used as a security measure in blockchain. In fact, anyone can use them to identify a network; Including cryptocurrency hackers. For example, the Pineapple Wi-Fi blockchain allows users to create Wi-Fi hotspots. These systems are relatively inexpensive because user devices are used to create a fake Wi-Fi network that looks like a real network. Untrusted people mistakenly connect to a fake Wi-Fi network, and the trap operator can track their movements. Wi-Fi pineapples also have legitimate uses; A test that uses ethical or white hat hackers to identify vulnerabilities in a network.


Types of honey containers


In terms of structure and deployment, there are two main types of pottery; Production and research. Honeypots research conducts detailed analysis of hacker activities with the goal of discovering how hackers evolve and improve to learn how to protect systems from hackers. Honeycomb-encrypted data with special tracking features help analysts identify stolen data and identify connections between different participants in the attack.

Production honeypots are typically deployed within production networks next to production servers. As always, the honeypot acts as a decoy and keeps intruders out of the production network as part of an intrusion detection system (IDS). A production honeypot is designed to appear like a real part of a production network and contains information to attract and occupy cryptocurrency and blockchain hackers to limit their time and resources. This approach ultimately gives operators time to assess the threat level and mitigate any vulnerabilities in their actual production systems and blockchain network. Honeypots can be classified as pure, high-interaction, or low-interaction. Pure honeypots are complete production systems that monitor the honeypot’s connection to the network. They are extremely complex and difficult to manage, but at the same time appear more real to an attacker, complete with fake confidential files and user information.

Highly interactive honeypots simulate the operation of production systems, host various services and obtain extensive information. The goal of a high-noise honeypot is to lure an attacker into deep administrator-level access to a server and then monitor the attacker’s activities.

Small interactive honeypots exemplify common attack killers in the blockchain and crypto world. Usually, blockchain fans are very interested in this. As a result, the risk is reduced and treatment is easier. These types of systems do not allow malicious users to access the main site. The disadvantage of this type of honey pot is that it looks fake to an attack. Also, small interactive honeypots are great for bot detection and malware attacks. It is interesting to note that Honey is a virtual honeypot with minimal interaction with open source. This type of honey trap is widely used because of its good features and help to prevent theft and misuse of digital currencies. As we said, the honey trap, like other systems, has many advantages, but it also comes with disadvantages and problems, which we will discuss below.


Benefits of a honey jar


Collecting real-world data will differentiate intelligence from actual attacks and other unauthorized activities, providing analysts with a rich source of useful information. Also, another important advantage of these systems is their affordability. Because of this feature, honey pots can be a good investment; Because they are only relevant to malicious activities and do not require high performance resources to monitor large volumes of network traffic after attacks. On the other hand, by bypassing honeypot encryption, malicious activities are recorded; Even if the attacker uses encryption and acts more professionally.\


Disadvantages of Honey Pots


A feature that many users of hotspots don’t like is the limited data hotspots only collect data during an attack. In other words, if no attempt is made to access the score, there is no data to analyze. Data is collected only when an attack targets honey networks. If attackers suspect that the nature of the network is a hotspot, they will avoid it.

In some cases, these systems can be tracked and blockchain fraudsters can discover their nature. Indeed, honeypots are often indistinguishable from legitimate systems. This means that experienced hackers are often able to separate the platform from the honeypot system using blockchain fingerprinting techniques. On the other hand, critical systems are at risk and may suffer from a successful attack. Although they are separate from the actual network, hackers work in ways that ultimately allow administrators to collect their data. Interestingly, a hive with high reciprocity is generally considered more dangerous than a hive with low reciprocity; This is because its purpose is to encourage hackers to gain root access to the blockchain system.

In general, honeypots help researchers understand risks in blockchain systems, but honeypots should not be a substitute for standard IDS. If a honeypot is not configured properly, hackers can use it to gain access to real systems or as a launching point for attacks against other target systems and to steal passwords and user information.

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