Among the most important and sensitive activities in the financial market, we can mention the trading of digital currencies. This activity is very important for traders and worth considering, which also requires a lot of information and a well-designed platform. If you are active in the financial markets as a professional trader, you always prefer to work with the best facilities and without worries, or if you are trading as a new trader, you can always welcome and try the experiences of professionals. A platform whose environment is very simple and intuitive. Factors such as complex, professional, comprehensive and the possibility of sharing the experiences of beginners on the platform can be one of the impossible ideas of traders; But it is better to know that the Tradelize platform is one of the most successful platforms in the world of digital currencies, which includes all these factors and makes trading the most enjoyable activity for users of the financial market. The Tradelize platform is known as the most efficient and profitable platform in the field of digital currencies.

The most important features of the Tradelize platform for financial market traders

The Tradelize network has always strived to provide an environment for traders to access the digital currency trading markets in the fastest way and without the slightest error. The founders of the Tradelize project, who are very experienced people and have been in the financial markets for many years, tried to create a better way for novice traders to gain experience and expertise after this platform; On the other hand, you should know that the Tradelize project did not disappoint professional traders and provided all its facilities for professionals and provided a platform for the presence of professionals in the digital currency market. Access to various digital currency trading markets is available to users through the Tradelize terminal.

Tradelize allows traders to connect with other investors through the Investment Portal section and, in addition to sharing new ideas, compare their performance with them and manage the risk of their portal.

Highlighting the three main features of the Tradelize project

Tradelize Terminal: Cryptocurrency trading platform offers traders direct access to major cryptocurrency exchanges.

Investment Portal: A unique environment for professional investors to create profiles for themselves and increase profits with their experience and interactive methods.

Tradelize Mobile App: Provides a platform for quick and convenient access to trading and investing.

What is the Tradelize program?

In 2017, the construction of the Tradelize project began with its construction team. This group of professionals with many years of experience in the financial markets tried to design and present the Tradelize project in the best way so that beginners could get the necessary experience using it.

In the first quarter of 2018, the first version of the terminal was presented and implemented, and users were able to take advantage of it.

Check out the basic capabilities of the first version of the Tradelize Project Terminal

The Tradelize project enabled its users in the first version to integrate with the world’s leading stock exchanges through a REST API socket.

In the first version of this platform; Users can connect seven crypto exchanges without any problem: Binance; Bittrex, Bitfinex Kraken, Hubei Okex and HitBTC.

Also, among other features of the first version of the Tradelize project, we can mention the integrated multi-page trading interface between exchanges and the integrated Order Book test mode and arbitrage finder test mode, which were among the most obvious features. first version.

tradelize platform

Introducing the features of the Terminal Alpha version of the Tradelize project

After the presentation of the initial version of this platform, its creators decided to present its alpha terminal version to users in the second quarter of 2018. The alpha version of this platform was successfully implemented and the ICO of the project was postponed to August. The key features of the alpha version are:

The first feature is that users of this platform can access advanced charts with more than a hundred indicators and oscillators.

On this platform, you can create a hotkey to process orders quickly.

Creating limit orders, stop orders and market orders for all exchanges is the third feature of the Tradelize platform.

Features of the Beta Version of TradeLize Project Terminal

After two versions of this project were presented and deployed, finally in the third quarter of 2018 the beta version of Terminal was deployed. The ICO was canceled and fundamental changes were made to the Tradelize team, making this platform more popular among its users than before. The main features of this version of the terminal were:

The first feature of the beta version of this platform is the implementation of the Web-socket feature for all connected exchanges, this feature was not present in the first two versions of this project.

The uniqueness of the market depends on many parameters added to this platform in the beta version.

Hidden stop orders on the synthetic server was the third new feature of the beta version.

A modular link with an active window as well as an extended news reporting page were other features that made this platform one of the most popular platforms in the financial markets. Of course, this was not the end of the matter; This platform has also provided its users with other features, which we will discuss further.

Changing the infrastructure of the Tradelize platform.

As mentioned in the previous section, the design of the server infrastructure was completely changed in the first quarter of 2019, as this parallel platform sought to offer new features to its users. New features have been added and the alpha version of the investment portal has been released. This version also received positive feedback from users. The most important features of the new version are:

The first and most important feature of the new version was the cloud computing architecture.

At the same time, in the new version, the creation of a personal forum consisting of traders and investors was presented.

In the new version, users have the opportunity to share ideas and learn from the experiences of market experts.

Tracking all digital currency investments in one place is another important feature of the new version.

Another great tool for analyzing investment quality is a new feature.

Other important features of the new version of the Tradelize platform include the distribution of a special API between sub-accounts to follow different strategies or manage assets automatically, as well as different accounts within it. There is one account to manage positions

You should know that in the second quarter of 2019, additional features and tools have been added to TradeLize:

The History Chart for all the seven exchange-traded funds was one of the first innovations in the second half of 2019.

In the new version, users are given the ability to track investments in 9 cryptocurrency exchanges simultaneously.

Participating in competitions and DEMO accounts to demonstrate experience and attract the attention of many investors is one of the most important new features.

Moreover, among the new features of the second edition, we can mention the comparison of situations with the best experts to understand how they manage.

Finally, in the second half of 2019, scaling devices were added to this project:

New features include more advanced tools. These tools have allowed traders to trade with better and more complete means, and this has created a new motivation for them.

Of course, the second tool was the mobile application for Android and iOS, which was added to the Tradelize project in this version.

Additionally, the introduction of advanced post-trade analysis and performance reports, margin trading functionality and risk management reports and target achievement reports were tools that benefit users of the TradeLyze platform.

Working with different parts of the Tradelize platform

In this part of the article, dear ones, you undoubtedly have a general and comprehensive overview of the TradeLyze network and you are completely familiar with the important features of this platform. Now it’s time for you to learn more about the different parts of this platform and the valuable features it offers its users. This information will enable you to use this platform with full knowledge. So far, it seems that the TradeLyze project can provide a suitable platform for digital currency trading and investment in these currencies for those who want to trade seriously and not all platforms will satisfy them; You should also note that so far this platform has been able to satisfy users significantly.

As we said, this platform offers traders various features, which we will discuss in detail below:

terminal; A place to trade digital currency

The Terminal section of the TradeLize platform is known as a complete platform for trading digital currencies. An important feature of this section is that it is possible for users to trade on the largest crypto exchanges, and due to this the popularity of this platform is increasing day by day and it has become one of the best platforms. To become a digital currency market. If you have entered the financial markets as a beginner trader and feel that you still need more time to start trading and training to enhance your knowledge and skills, you can use the demo exchange platform to practice trading. . This exchange can be very useful for you to learn. In the “Terminal” section, you can see all your accounts, orders and profit and loss with just one interface; The cost to download and use this part of the platform is $99, which is currently available for free to users.

Investment portal; A place for professional investors

According to the creators of the Tradelize platform, this section is unique in its kind due to its very valuable features and is known as the most popular platform in the financial markets. This platform allows professional investors to create a profile for themselves and increase their profits through it. In this section, users can track their investments in all digital currency exchanges at once, and this has encouraged users to use this platform; Also, users on this platform can use special tools to analyze their work report and gain full awareness of their performance; Get reports based on different features and compare your situation with professional investors and be inspired by their success, these features allow beginners to gain new experiences.

tradelize platform

Mobile application Easy and quick access

In addition to the unique features of this platform, the Tradelize mobile application, which can be downloaded for Android and iPhone phones, has also been able to increase its popularity to a large extent, because today financial market users do all their activities from mobile phones. . . The presence of the application can encourage you to use this platform. The app gives you quick and easy access to your trading and investment platform. In this application, you can use the demo mode to practice trading and you do not need to enter assets; You can easily manage your account, be aware of the status of professional traders and follow trading strategies.

According to the experience of digital currency users who have worked with the Tradelize platform, this platform has many similarities with the Trading View platform; With the difference that here, professional traders can create a profile and earn money by copying their profile from other users; It seems that so far Tradelize has been able to gain the trust of users by providing the features they need and also moving according to their claims.

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