Metaverse is a virtual space that offers users a digital experience as a substitute or second version of the real world. In this virtual world, it is possible to interact virtually with other people, trade goods, exchange currency, buy and sell property, invest, attend work, organize festivals and events, watch concerts, visit exhibitions and many other activities in real life. Metaverse consists of two words: Meta and Verse. The word Meta means “Superior” and Vers, which comes from the word “Universe” means “World”. In this way, the term Metaverse can be seen as a “superior world” or “superior to the world”.

What is metaverse?

Metaverse is an online and shared 3D space where users can create their own personalities in digital systems and interact with each other and with virtual objects and symbols. Metaverses are actually virtual worlds that either mirror our real world or are completely different. In fact, Metaverse uses technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create such a world, so that users can combine the virtual world with reality in an unprecedented way, crossing the border of physical limitations. The way Metaverse has taken it now, it can be considered as the next generation of the Internet.

With the advent of blockchain and blockchain games, Metaverse is also targeting this technology and decentralization. Ecosystems of the metaworld have now been created, which owe their decentralization and security to blockchain and are mainly based on blockchain platforms. Metaverse is not dependent on any single entity and any person, company and business can be involved in its creation and expansion.

What is the future of Metaverse technology?

In a recent study conducted by the Gartner Institute, it is predicted that by 2026 almost a quarter of people using the Internet will spend at least one hour a day working, shopping, socializing and entertaining in the Metaverse space. The Institute also expects at least 30% of institutions to use this technology by 2026, due to the greater communication and collaboration opportunities this technology provides at various levels. It is predicted that one day the world of the Metaverse will expand to include all aspects of human life. . But the question is, will the need to use equipment like real glasses be an obstacle to the expansion of this technology?

Mark Zuckerberg believes that instead of calling someone in the future and needing special equipment, you can lean up from the couch and use hologram technology to feel like you’re in the same place as other people, even if they’re somewhere else.  A hologram is a technology that allows the display of a digital quality (3D) image without the need for glasses.

What are the common currencies in Metaverse?

We said that you need digital currency to buy and sell everything in the Metaverse world; But what digital currency is used in the Metaverse world? Today, as we are in the early stages of building and shaping the Metaverse, few Metaverse currencies have become known. Some of these funds are expected to gain greater value and become more popular in the future. Many popular Metaverse platforms have their own common currency and you should use this currency to buy and sell on these platforms. Among the popular coins of Metaverse we can mention Mana, X, Sand, Fragment, Engine Coin, IMX, Gala and Atlas digital coins. By buying mana, you can use the powerful Dicentraland project. Similarly, buy X is used to play X Infinity game.

As mentioned earlier, Sandbox is one of the biggest and most famous platforms in the Metaverse. In buying sandbox, it is common currency of sandbox platform, you can buy and sell on this platform. The growth and popularity of the currency came after Facebook changed its name to Meta. What you need to look at is the difference between Metaverse and block games. Not all blockchain-based games represent the Metaverse world.

What is trading in the metaverse?

Through the facilities it offers its users, Metaverse has made trading, especially international trading, easier and more enjoyable today and in the future. Businesses from around the world can easily attend business meetings through their icons and speak to well-known brands on the Metaverse for collaboration. If they intend to present the product to their customers, it is possible to provide their customers with a 3D and accurate model; These interpretations do not require the presence of the client and a close visit. It should be noted that business in this world has not reached its maximum potential. With time to build trust to attract investors, Metaverse can meet all the needs of customers.  Currently, more than 3 billion players are present in its gaming sector, which has increased the value of this sector to 200 billion dollars.

Is it possible to make money in Metaverse?

Metaverse can easily provide opportunities to earn money in various fields where it is possible to benefit from the potential power of this technology. For example, you can make a significant profit by buying Metaverse land in the short or medium term. You can also earn good income from brokerage and property rental in this virtual space. You can also earn Revenues  by managing different parts of the metaverse, such as a virtual concert hall. In the meantime, you can earn a lot of money by selling your digital assets and converting cryptocurrencies from their sales to regular currency. Meanwhile, there are other areas of income in this technology

How to buy land in Metaverse?

Considering that many people are turning to the virtual space for investing, buying land in the world of Metaverse has also attracted the opinion of many of these investors for digital investment. In the metaverse, or digital currency world, all physical environments of the real world are now digitized and users can easily buy and sell land in this virtual space. Below are essential explanations on how to buy land in Metaverse:

  1. To buy land in the world of Metaverse, you first need to register on one of the Metaverse platforms, and then you need a digital currency wallet to trade in Metaverse.
  2. To make money exchange; To buy land in the Metaverse, you need to convert your budget into cryptocurrency like Ether or Metaverse currencies like mana and store it in your digital wallet.
  3. To compare land types and prices, you can check out the Metaverse real estate markets before making a decision to buy land in Metaverse.
  4. After selecting the desired digital plot, click on it to get the necessary information about the selected plot.



What is metaverse technology?

Metaverse is an online and shared 3D space where users can create their own personalities in digital systems and interact with each other and with virtual objects and symbols.

Is it possible to make money in Metaverse?

Metaverse can easily provide opportunities to earn money in various fields where it is possible to benefit from the potential power of this technology. For example, you can make a significant profit by buying Metaverse land in the short or medium term. Meanwhile, there are other areas of income in this technology

What is digital currency on Metaverse?


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