In this article, we will try to provide you with information about the basics of digital currency trading, and crypto signals and review the common mistakes in digital currency trading so that you are familiar with these mistakes and try to avoid them.

During the past years, investing in digital currencies was easier compared to today’s Internet due to the small number of users and little information. These days, with the increase in the number of users to make transactions and earn profits, some users may make many mistakes due to not having enough information in the field of selling and buying digital currency.

These mistakes are usually irreparable and heavy losses are likely to follow them, and by committing them or using fake crypto signals, people may even lose their original capital in this market! The attraction and popularity of digital currencies are increasing day by day along with their price, but beginners should start their work with enough information to make good deals. For this purpose, in this article, we will provide you with information about the basics of crypto transactions and examine common mistakes in cryptocurrency transactions.


What are the basics of digital currency trading?
What are the basics of digital currency trading?

What are the basics of digital currency trading?

If you have just entered the market of cryptocurrencies and you do not have much experience in trading, it is better to first learn the necessary training and get a lot of information about digital currencies and how to trade them to the level of increasing your knowledge. Although you can also use valid free crypto signals for this purpose.

The first thing to do is to visit the digital currency exchange of your choice and learn more about its features and tools. The important thing is to check the trading terminal. Try to think more carefully about all the nuances of a crypto platform. On the other hand, it is recommended to start your transactions with initial definitions. We have examined all the terms and concepts related to the field of digital currencies and provided you with the best crypto signals. you can improve your knowledge by reading our articles.

What is meant by crypto signals?

cryptocurrency trading is a process by which all kinds of digital currencies are traded and bought and sold. In digital currency trading, like any other similar activity, to achieve the best results and earn a lot of profit, it is necessary to cultivate certain characteristics in the way of trading and pay attention to some points and avoid some cases.

Some people think that with the least effort and only by visiting exchanges, they can quickly earn profits and make successful purchases. You should note that entering this market, like any other specialized field, requires training and learning. In this way, before taking any action, it is recommended to study digital currency and its related matters and familiarize yourself with various terms and concepts of the digital currency market.

crypto signals are one of the market analysis tools that help users make informed decisions in buying and selling currencies and are also known as crypto trading signals. Digital signals are the analysis analyzers of market signs that reduce the risk and risk of transactions and help to increase the interest and profit of currencies. It should be noted that no digital currency signal is 100% guaranteed due to market fluctuations and many other factors; Rather, as a helping stimulus, it creates better efficiency for traders.

Common mistakes made by beginners in the digital currency market
Common mistakes made by beginners in the digital currency market

Common mistakes made by beginners in the digital currency market

As we said, for many newbies and beginners, being in the crypto market is disturbing and difficult, because many market concepts and processes are intangible and dumb, and if you don’t have prior knowledge, it is easy to make losses in this market. It became impossible. For this purpose, in this part of the article we introduce some of the common mistakes of beginners in the digital currency market, we try to examine the common mistakes in digital currency transactions.

  • Getting affected by the emotions of the market!

One of the common mistakes in digital currency transactions that novices and beginners make and may suffer a lot of losses, as a result, is that they are influenced by the emotions of the market. You should know that one of the main characteristics of a good trader is his control over his emotions. Many beginner traders decide to sell their cryptocurrencies with the first downward trend and little cryptocurrency price changes, and most of the time these momentary decisions make them regret it. To control this situation, newbies can reduce their losses by determining the loss limit and reducing the risk of their transactions.

  • Unwillingness to learn and train

Another common mistake in cryptocurrency trading that beginners make is that they are interested in learning and teaching digital currencies. After you decided to enter the digital currency market, you are the one who invested your capital and financial resources to buy coins with or without crypto signals. In this way, it is necessary to protect your financial resources by studying and training. If your decision depends on the opinions of other people, you will have to rely only on the words of these people when buying and selling. This is one of the biggest mistakes among digital currency traders.

  • Investing too much!

Another common mistake of beginners in the cryptocurrency market is investing too much in the market. Thinking that luck will be with you and your capital will multiply is a big mistake that may have many consequences. If you have extra money to invest in coins, this money should be the same asset that losing it will not have an irreparable impact on your life. If you want to sell your car, house, goods, etc. for investment, you will never succeed.

  • Poor trading strategy

Another common mistake of beginners in the cryptocurrency market is the lack of strategy and emotional decision-making based on emotions and wrong news. It is a bit difficult to avoid wrong decisions that result from wrong emotions and news. Especially for people who follow news and Twitter posts and do not have any proper crypto signals. Even if all the published news is true, logically following and following them and placing them as the only basis for digital currency trading is a mistake and may cause irreparable losses to the trader or trader of digital currencies. be likely

  • Suffering from FOMO!

Another common mistake of beginners in the digital currency market is that they suffer from FOMO. FOMO refers to the fear of losing an opportunity or being stuck and is used when traders, influenced by its growth and upward trend, start buying digital currency without any prior plans. In this way, they may buy a large amount of worthless digital currency. Just because there is an opportunity. The thing that the beginner traders of the digital currency market should pay attention to is that the trend of growth and the sharp rise of the market is more likely to be re-terminated and return to lower prices, and one should not suffer from FOMO in the conditions of a sharp rise in prices.

  • Constantly checking the price of coins

Another common mistake of beginners in the cryptocurrency market is that they are checking the price of their coins every moment, which causes them to be affected by the smallest growth or fall in price. This process usually happens after the growth and increase in the price of the purchased digital currency, and after the first profit, the person experiences positive emotions and automatically checks its price every few minutes in the hope of its price growth again, and this is a habit. It becomes for him so that he can get that positive excitement again.

  • Not all exchanges are trustworthy!

Online exchanges are platforms where we can do cryptocurrency transactions. Choosing the right exchange is very effective in the future of our investment, but some users don’t have the patience to do this and choose an exchange that has created a lot of hype without checking. There are many exchanges inside and outside the country that provide good services and determine the security of our capital.

  • Putting all your eggs in one basket

Buying only a certain type of cryptocurrency, no matter how valid it is and has a strong project, is not right at all. For example, if we buy Ethereum with all our capital, what will happen to our capital if this currency falls?

The least risky way to invest in the crypto market is to have an investment portfolio and also use some proper crypto signals. Using the trading strategy we have, we should choose many cryptocurrencies with potential and low risk and invest in them. This method is very profitable and the probability that all currencies will fall together is very low.

  • Using fake crypto signals

Some profit-seeking people sell fake crypto signals and offer inaccurate digital currency buying and selling signals for a fee. If we can improve our knowledge in the field of cryptocurrency, we would easily spot these kinds of fake signals.

  • Not knowing the right time to save profit and exit the deal

Knowing the right time to exit a trade is one of the problems that most traders face. Despite the conflicting news in the market, it is very difficult to decide at this time. We must be able to control our emotions and proceed with thought. Using technical analysis and fundamental analysis, we can predict the right time to exit the trade.

  • The dream of becoming a billionaire by trading digital currencies

Most of the people who enter digital currencies dream of 1000 times their profit, that’s why they enter transactions that have a lot of risks. If someone bought bitcoin 10 years ago, he would be one of the billions in the world now. But now the situation is a little complicated. More than 17 thousand cryptocurrencies have been introduced, most of which are abandoned projects. By having a long-term trading strategy, we can achieve the desired result and we must abandon the dream of getting rich overnight.

  • Buying cryptocurrencies based on price

The high price of a digital currency does not indicate the validity and success of that currency, and on the contrary, the low price of a cryptocurrency does not indicate that it is worthless. In choosing a coin, it is better to consider factors such as the technology behind it, the development team, how it is implemented, its market value, and also some proper crypto signals.

  • Ignoring security cautions

In the past, doing crypto transactions was very safe, but now with the expansion of this world, its problems have increased. Ignoring safety tips will cause our capital to disappear. To use foreign exchanges, we must use a filter breaker and change our IP. Some exchanges block the account if they find out that the IP belongs to Iran. There are exchanges inside the country that provide good services to users. We can do our transactions in these exchanges. There are many bitcoin exchanges that we can use to transfer capital. Keeping the login password, using two-step passwords, and not clicking on any link increases the security of the investment.

common mistakes in crypto trading
common mistakes in crypto trading


In the article we tried to provide you with information about the basics of digital currency trading and examine the common mistakes in crypto trading so that you are familiar with these mistakes and try to fix them. do it As we said, for many newbies and beginners, being in the cryptocurrency market is disturbing and difficult because many market concepts and processes are intangible and dumb, and if you don’t have prior knowledge, it is easy to make losses in this market. So especially if you are not using any valid crypto signals, you’d better avoid the common mistake we mentioned.

We are our boss when it comes to investing in digital currencies. We should manage our capital and transactions using our intelligence. By having a trading strategy and observing profit and loss limits, we can create a trading framework and stick to it. With up-to-date information, trading intelligence, and specialized knowledge, we can continuously profit from the digital currency market.

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