Proof of Personhood

Identity Proof Mechanism (Proof of Personhood)

The concept of identity verification is emerging in various fields such as IT and blockchain. This term refers to verifying or proving the existence of a person’s personal information in order to participate in services, rights, or online activities. In today’s digital and online world, authentication is a fundamental challenge in many industries, including banking, online shopping, and even social…

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tradelize platform

tradelize platform

Among the most important and sensitive activities in the financial market, we can mention the trading of digital currencies. This activity is very important for traders and worth considering, which also requires a lot of information and a well-designed platform. If you are active in the financial markets as a professional trader, you always prefer to work with the best…

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Introducing the top blockchain oracles

Introducing the top blockchain oracles

The best blockchain oracles are our topic of discussion in this article, if we want to summarize the impact of oracles, we can say that oracles are actually responsible for providing the information required for smart contracts. In this way, oracles collect important information from sources such as physical hardware such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or software such…

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Maple Finance

The Maple Finance platform is a new way of lending where we can lend our assets to institutional and corporate clients. One of the good things about Maple is that you don’t have to put down a deposit and the deposit can be less than what is required. The native token of this protocol is the MPL digital currency, which…

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wormhole network

What is a wormhole network?

Blocks are internal system components, and their inability to communicate with users and applications outside of the native environment creates a major problem for manufacturers, developers, and users. The Wormhole Network is a network communication protocol that allows users to transfer tokens and NFTs between different networks. This protocol is based on Solana and uses a new method called Send…

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What is Flash Minting?

What is Flash Minting?

You know that making money in DeFi is not just about lending or paying back. Users of this community can get money without collateral by taking quick loans or unsecured loans and get profit with arbitrage loans available on other platforms. Flash Minting is one of the new ways that DeFi can use to generate fWETH tokens without having any…

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What is Gitcoin Passport

What is Gitcoin Passport?

One of the problems facing the Airdrop Arbitrum was the large number of fighters. Many paratroopers interacted with the network with minimal need and use of bots and were able to claim the Arbitrum case. This problem causes unfairness and inequality between users; Where there is no difference between a user with separate credentials (and multiple wallets) and a single…

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defi systematic risk

defi systematic risk

Risk taking and speculation are two integral parts of all economic and financial markets. History shows that without proper regulations, safeguards and proper conduct, financial markets are more vulnerable to fraud, extortion and economic crisis. Sometimes these crises and extremism become systematic and damage the stability of the entire economic system. In the worst cases, financial collapse leads to economic…

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Yield Protocol

Yield Protocol

There is always competition between lending protocols to offer the right interest rate and users are looking for the best interest rate to get a loan. Merchants are looking for low interest loans that allow them to achieve a profit maximization strategy. The problem is that many platforms use a floating percentage system that can turn a profitable trader’s plan…

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GameFi security issues

GameFi security issues

The GameFi project is a project that combines blockchain technology and the gaming industry to create a gaming asset platform. Therefore, it should be highly secure, but like any other platform, GameFi has security issues. In this article, we will look at security issues with GameFi. But before we look at GameFi’s security issues, let’s take a look at these…

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